lady biting a pen

How to write a 250 word essay

We wrote an article on how to write a 500-word essay. Most students who implemented our advice on their assignments received good grades. Let us prove that even the shortest essay may be a piece of perfection

Write it short but clear


You know that your essay should contain no more than 250 words, so it is obligatory to mention all the important points first. You can always add information if you have gaps in your essay. (There is a 99% probability that you won't have them). Moreover, it would be best if you used well-known words to avoid complications. Remember that complicated words need to be clarified, definitions need to be determined, which is bad for your word limit.

Answer the main question only


It means that you ought to limit your argumentation by concentrating on the central question mentioned in the title. Indeed, it also includes that you should avoid rambling around your subject. The less you write about, the more chances you will meet the criteria of the 250-word essay. While writing an essay, focus on the relevant examples answering your question.

Create an outline of the essay


You might be shocked, but a 250-word essay also has its own structure. Your essay should consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. All the parts mentioned above are necessary, so we advise you to create an outline before you start writing your essay.

The introduction of the essay should be presented in one or two sentences, which contain no more than 25 words. In a basic 250-word essay, there is always little scope you have to expand. That's why you should choose only one point of view as a thesis statement you want to talk about in your essay.

The essay's body is divided into two or three paragraphs with a total number of words no more than 200. To make it well-organized, it's better to write one paragraph per argument. Generally, you're obliged to write at least one example to support your opinion.

The conclusion should represent your thesis statement in other words. However, it's important to summarize your arguments in the last 25 words to show the reader that you agree or disagree with your thesis.

Spend more time making corrections


Even though it's the shortest essay you may write, it requires you to spend a lot of time making relevant corrections in the form of cutting. A 250-word essay is recognized as one of the most challenging types of essays to edit. So be ready to spend about 3 hours writing it and 2 hours correcting it.

However, it takes so little time to proofread, isn't it great? :)